CRexsel Arguments
Output Symbol Table (-s | --symbols)

It is possible to generate a list of symbols (proc names etc.) used throughout a stylesheet. The symbol output is shown as a list of "blocks" or contexts within which the symbols used within that immediate context are shown. See here for a complete description of the format.

crexsel tangle.rxsl --symbols

will output the symbol table as a comment at the head of the XSL output

crexsel tangle.rxsl --lineNumbers

will produce an output showing the line numbers of the original code that produced the XSL output line.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Produced using Rexsel compiler on 08/03/2024 02:53:05 --> <!-- Symbols in context "stylesheet", found: 6 [F] process-code in line 47 not used [M] /:: in line 20 [M] node() | @*:: in line 89 [P] endCommentString in line 15 not used [P] rootChunk in line 13 not used [P] startCommentString in line 14 not used Symbols in context "process-code", found: 3 [V] chunkNode in line 49 not used [V] isFirstChunk in line 48 not used [V] name in line 50 not used --> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:aw="" version="1.0"> <xsl:output method="text" version="1.0" omit-xml-declaration="yes" encoding="UTF-8"/> <xsl:param name="rootChunk"/>
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