CRexsel Arguments
Show Undefined Errors (-u | --undefined)

When checking the source it is useful to distinguish between errors that are specific to the current source file and ignore those errors that are consequential from referencing variables in included files. Rexsel makes no attempt to resolve these in the error reports.

In order to see undefined errors the "--errors flag must be set. Having a keyword error and an undefined variable would give

RexselTests % crexsel tangle.rxsl --verbose --errors --undefined Processing tangle.rxsl -> tangle.xsl **** (105) Unexpected symbol "vale" found in "otherwise" in line 28 Check spelling, illegal keyword, or missing quote? **** (116) Could not find "rotName" in line 39 Check "rotName" is defined in current block.Finished RexselTests %

Ignoring the "--undefined" option would only give the "unexpected symbol" error.

RexselTests % crexsel tangle.rxsl --verbose --errors --undefined Processing tangle.rxsl -> tangle.xsl **** Found unexpected symbol "vale" in line 26 Check spelling or missing quote. Finished RexselTests %

Sometimes there are only undefined errors which may be as a result of references to included files which are not resolved in \Rexsel. In this case the compiler will display no errors status but with a proviso: "check undefined".

RexselTests % crexsel tangle.rxsl --verbose --errors Processing tangle.rxsl -> tangle.xsl No Errors (check undefined) Finished RexselTests %

Running this again with the "--undefined" option shows the undefined error.

RexselTests % crexsel -i tangle.rxsl --verbose --errors --undefined Processing tangle.rxsl -> tangle.xsl **** (116) Could not find "rotName" in line 39 Check "rotName" is defined in current block. Finished RexselTests %
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