
An attribute-set creates a named set of attributes, which can be used within other elements my referencing the name.

<attribute-set> ::= “attribute-set” <quote> <qname> <quote> ( “use-attribute-sets” <name list> )? “{” <attribute>+ “}”
name a QName defining the name of this atttribute set.
use-attribute-sets an (optional) string containing a whitelist separated list of other sets.

One or more attribute definitions.

match using "//list" { apply-templates { with param-1 "'List Title'" sort using "a" descending } }

A trivial example for having common attributes which might occur throughout an HTML file.

stylesheet { version "1.1" attribute-set "block-style" { attribute "font-size" "12pt" attribute "font-weight" "bold" } attribute-set "block-margin" { attribute "leading" "12pt" attribute "margin-top" "24pt" } match using "/" { element "block" use-attribute-sets "block-style block-margin" { attribute "id" "start" text "Some block text" } } }

To show how the above works, consider a one line XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <test-attribute/>

Running the XSLT we get

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <block font-size="12pt" font-weight="bold" leading="12pt" margin-top="24pt" id="start">Some block text</block>

Forgetting the leading block bracket.

attribute-set "block-style" attribute "font-size" "12pt" attribute "font-weight" "bold" }

will give the error

**** (104) Missing "{" in line 5 Insert bracket.

Forgetting the name of the attribute set

stylesheet { version "1.1" attribute-set { attribute "font-size" "12pt" attribute "font-weight" "bold" } attribute-set "block-margin" { attribute "leading" "12pt" attribute "margin-top" "24pt" } match using "/" { element "block" use-attribute-sets "block-style block-margin" { attribute "id" "start" text "Some block text" } } }

will give two errors.

**** (115) Expected name after "attribute-set" in line 4 Insert name. **** (116) Could not find "block-style" in line 15 Check "block-style" is defined in current block/context.
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