
A parameter statement can occur either at the root level with the stylesheet or as a definition of what parameters are used by a proc. Parameters can be declared with a default value either as a simple string or a block.

<parameter> ::= “parameter” <name> ( ( <quote> <xpath expression> <quote> ) | ( “{” ( <block template> )+ “}” ) )?
name The name of this parameter.
xpath expression An XPath expression returning a value (required if block not present).

If there is an element block then there should not be an XPath expression. Note that as both block and expressions are used for a default value for the parameter so it is valid for neither to be present.


A set of simple parameters, noting that param-2 and param-3 are notionally the same.

stylesheet { version "1.0" parameter param-1 parameter param-2 "'default-value'" parameter param-3 { text "default-value" } }

compiles to

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <stylesheet xmlns="" version="1.0"> <param name="param-1"/> <param name="param-2" select="'default-value'"/> <param name="param-3"> <text>default-value</text> </param> </stylesheet>

Consider this list of multiple errors.

stylesheet { version "1.0" // Missing name parameter // Misssing name parameter "'Some text'" // Blank block which is quasi valid (translates to valid XSLT) parameter valid-param-1 { } // Cannnot have value and block parameter invalid-param-2 "'Some text'" { } // Duplicate name parameter valid-param-1 // Duplicate name + undefined symbol parameter valid-param-2 { value "$valid-param-4" } }

will produce a miscellany of errors

**** (115) Expected name after "parameter" in line 8 Insert name. **** (115) Expected name after "parameter" in line 11 Insert name. **** (129) There must be either a simple/default value or enclosed templates in line 14 Supply either expression/text or enclosed templates. **** (151) "parameter" requires one or more "choose, apply-templates, attribute-set, number, foreach, attribute, copy, apply-imports, element, message, text, comment, fallback, variable, if, copy-of, processing-instruction, value, call" in line 14 Check syntax requirements for "parameter" or insert in block **** (105) Unexpected symbol "{" found in "parameter" in line 17 Check spelling, missing expression, bracket or quote? **** (138) Missing or empty block in 17 Supply block **** (136) Unmatched brackets in 1 Too many open brackets?

The statement

parameter valid-param-1 { }

is valid but spurious as the block is empty. It will compile correctly and equivalent to

parameter valid-param-1

Another important error is when parameters are declared in procs etc. Parameters must be declared at the start of a proc. So for example

proc substring-after-last { parameter string choose { when "contains($string, $delimiter)" { call substring-after-last { with string "substring-after($string, $delimiter)" with delimiter "$delimiter" } } otherwise { value "$string" } } parameter delimiter }

will give the error report

**** (131) Parameter "delimiter" in "proc:substring-after-last" in line 19 must follow declaration. Check order.
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