
A processing-instruction statement injects a processing instruction into the output docu- ment where the statement is placed..

<processing-instruction> ::= “processing-instruction” <quote> <name> <quote> “{” ( <block template> )+ “}”
name The name of the processing instruction.

A set of block statements that should be included in the processing instruction.


For example, a stylesheet that iterates through a set of <loop> elements in a file and output the result together with a processing instruction that generates an index number of the elements.

stylesheet { version "1.0" match using "/root" { element "list" { foreach "loop" { element "div" { processing-instruction "loop" { value "concat( '[', position(), ']' )" } value "concat( 'Entry [', ., ':', position(), ']' )" } } } } }

This compiles to

<stylesheet xmlns="" version="1.0"> <template match="/root"> <element name="list"> <for-each select="loop"> <element name="div"> <processing-instruction name="loop"> <value-of select="concat('[', position(), ']')"/> </processing-instruction> <value-of select="concat('Entry [', ., ':', position(), ']')"/> </element> </for-each> </element> </template> </stylesheet>

To see the result of the above, consider a scrap of XML

<stylesheet xmlns="" version="1.0"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <root> <loop>A</loop> <loop>B</loop> <loop>C</loop> <loop>D</loop> </root>

Running the script would produce

<stylesheet xmlns="" version="1.0"> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <list> <div><?loop [1]?>Entry [A:1]</div> <div><?loop [2]?>Entry [B:2]</div> <div><?loop [3]?>Entry [C:3]</div> <div><?loop [4]?>Entry [D:4]</div> </list>

No opening bracket

element "div" { processing-instruction "loop" value "concat( '[', position(), ']' )" } value "concat( 'Entry [', ., ':', position(), ']' )"

will give the errors

**** (104) Missing "{" in line 9 Insert bracket.

Leaving out the name

processing-instruction { value "concat( '[', position(), ']' )" }

will give

**** (115) Expected name after "processing-instruction" in line 8 Insert name.
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