
The text statement sends the enclosed string directly to the output stream.

<text> ::= “text” ( “disable-output-escaping” )? <quote> <alphanumeric string> <quote>
disable-output-escaping specifies whether special characters are escaped when written to the output. For example, if present, "<div>" would be output as "&lt;div&gt;"..



For example from a stylesheet used when processing LaTeX files (note the use of '\\' to produce '\' because a single backspace is an escape character).

stylesheet { version "1.0" proc nwmargintag { text disable-output-escaping "\\nwmargintag{" text "}" } }

will compile to

<template name="nwmargintag"> <text>\nwmargintag{</text> <text>}</text> </template>

Misspelling the option.

stylesheet { version "1.0" proc nwmargintag { text disable-ouput-escaping "\\nwmargintag{" text "}" } }

gives the error (there may also be other consequential errors here)

**** (106) Unexpected symbol "disable-ouput-escaping" in line 5 Check spelling, did you mean "disable-output-escaping" ?

In the unlikely case of forgetting the text expression.

stylesheet { version "1.0" proc nwmargintag { text disable-output-escaping text "}" } }

which is reported as

**** (119) Missing item string after text in line 5 Insert item.
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