
The namespace-alias statement provides a means of mapping a namespace used in a stylesheet onto another, different, namespace in the output tree. It is provded in Rexsel for completeness but would never normally be used, for the reason below.

<namespace-alias> ::= “namespace-alias” “map-from” <quote> <name> <quote> “to” <quote> <name> <quote>
map-from the namespace that is being mapped from.
to the namespace that is being mapped to.



It is rarely used except in the cases where a new stylesheet is generated from within another. Within Rexsel this is not used since it does not support "naked" elements. For example, consider the XSLT for producing another XSLT stylesheet.

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0" xmlns:nxsl="nxsl.xsl"> <xsl:param name="inputName">name</xsl:param> <xsl:param name="inputValue">value</xsl:param> <xsl:namespace-alias stylesheet-prefix="nxsl" result-prefix="xsl"/> <xsl:template match="/"> <nxsl:stylesheet version="1.0"> <nxsl:variable name="{$inputName}"> <nxsl:value-of select="{$inputValue}"/> </nxsl:variable> </nxsl:stylesheet> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet>

This would produce a new stylesheet

<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""> <xsl:variable name="name"> <xsl:value-of select="value"/> </xsl:variable> </xsl:stylesheet>

As indicated this would be impossible to directly encode into Rexsel. However the following would give the same effect.

stylesheet { version "1.0" parameter inputName "name" parameter inputValue "value" match using "/" { element "xsl:stylesheet" { attribute "version" "1.0" element "xsl:variable" { attribute "name" { value "$inputName" } element "xsl:value-of" { attribute "select" { value "$inputValue" } } } } } }

As would the slightly more correct version.

stylesheet { version "1.0" parameter inputName "name" parameter inputValue "value" match using "/" { element "stylesheet" namespace "" { attribute "version" "1.0" element "variable" namespace "" { attribute "name" { value "$inputName" } element "value-of" namespace "" { attribute "select" { value "$inputValue" } } } } } }

In all both cases the new stylesheet would be.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <stylesheet xmlns="" version="1.0"> <variable name="name"> <value-of select="blank"/> </variable> </stylesheet>

No name for map-from.

stylesheet { version "1.0" xmlns "pxsl" "" namespace-alias map-from to "xsl" match using "/" { } }

will give the error

**** (118) "using" required in element "match" in line 4 Insert element.

Leaving out an expression for scope or other option.

match using ”//concertList“ scope { element "div" { attribute "id" "concertListAndIndex" element "span" { attribute "class" "code-dir" text "<" apply-templates scope "inline-text" text ">" } } }


**** (106) Unexpected symbol "to" instead of "'map-from' name" in line 6 Check spelling, missing expression, bracket or quote? **** (119) Missing item map expression in line 6 Insert item.

Similarly with neither present:

match using ”//concertList“ scope { element "div" { attribute "id" "concertListAndIndex" element "span" { attribute "class" "code-dir" text "<" apply-templates scope "inline-text" text ">" } } }

will give

**** (106) Unexpected symbol "to" instead of "'map-from' name" in line 6 Check spelling, missing expression, bracket or quote? **** (106) Unexpected symbol "match" instead of "'to' name" in line 6 Check spelling, missing expression, bracket or quote? **** (119) Missing item map expression in line 6 Insert item.
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