Text Entry

When describing text strings it is important to "escape" control characters such as "\".

  • '\\' ==> '\'
  • '&lt;' ==> '<'
  • '&gt;' ==> '>'
  • '\"' ==> '"'

When not a simple piece of text, such as in attribute, text must be enclosed using the text keyword. For example

<xsl:template name="begin-documentation-section"> \nwbegindocs{<xsl:value-of select="position() - 1"/>} </xsl:template>

would have to be written as

proc begin-documentation-section { text "\nwbegindocs{" value "position() - 1 " text "}" }

or as

proc begin-documentation-section { value "concat( '\nwbegindocs{', position() - 1, '}' )" }
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